Wednesday 22 August 2007

How To Make A Toga - Adding Colored Trims

According to Terry, many of the traditional togas had trims.

Take the toga praetexta for example , this was a white toga with a purple trim. The trim he tells me was about 3 inches wide.

I like adding trims to my toga's and we will discuss how to do this in more detail in a later post.

You don't have to stick with tradition though -you can select whatever color you like - I always like golds, silvers or reds - anything really that makes my toga look sumptuous.

If you want to add a trim my advice is to either buy ready made trims from a craft store or buy a piece of cotton fabric and sew (eww the dreaded 's' word) or iron on. I have used ribbons in the past, and found them expensive, so I would avoid these at all costs. Some of the ready-made trims can be pricey too, but they more than make-up for it in glamor!

1 comment:

toga costume said...

Yeah, Great site for the dresses like toga costume, I had read the ideas of the scary costumes they all are super up. I like the horror and scary dresses so much. Keep it up. I also need unique idea of scary costume. Can anybody suggest me?