Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Is Your College Toga King?

Can you believe this? Al l through my college days I never once went to a toga party. Me - a complete toga-fanatic! In fact, I don't believe anybody had a toga party on campus. The main aim of college parties I went to, seemed to be just to get as drunk as you could in the shortest possible time - what you wore to them, no-one cared. I feel I missed out, maybe not on alcohol consumption but definitely on the dressing up....but now I am encouraged.

On sale today is the 2008 edition of 'The Best 366 Colleges'. For those of you that don't know, this is a survey that has canvassed the opinions of over 120,000 college students during the 2006/07 school year, on various aspects of college life.

One of its main reviews is of the top 20 toga party schools throughout the US, and here's the results of the first 15:

1. West Virginia University
2. University of Mississippi
3. University of Texas, Austin
4. University of Florida
5. University of Georgia
6. Penn State University
7. University of New Hampshire
8. Indiana University, Bloomington
9. Ohio University, Athens
10. University of California, Santa Barbara
11. Randolph-Macon College, Va.
12. University of Iowa
13. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
14. University of Maryland, College Park
15. University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Does anybody go to these colleges ? What do you think? Would love to hear from you (and see the photo's!). Oh and I think that anyone about to go to one of these colleges, needs to learn how to make a toga quick!

Just out of interest, I thought I would show the top 15 "Stone Cold Sober" Schools

1. Brigham Young University
2. Wheaton College (Ill.)
3. Thomas Aquinas College (Santa Paula, Calif.)
4. College of the Ozarks (Mo.)
5. Grove City College (Pa.)
6. U.S. Coast Guard Academy
7. U.S. Air Force Academy
8. U.S. Naval Academy
9. City University of New York, Queens College
10. Webb Institute (N.Y.)
11. Wellesley College, Mass.
12. Calvin College, Mich.
13. Wesleyan College, Ga.
14. U.S. Military Academy, N.Y.
15. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Mass.

Source:LA Daily News


Anonymous said...

Well there are great Toga parties even in Germany. The RWTH Aachen shows Animal house each year and most of the students come in toga. Afterwards its partytime!

toga-fan said...

Sounds great - any photo's you care to share?